Opening Soon

WE WILL HAVE A SMALL WEB SALE ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH AT 1PM EST. AS A REMINDER, ITEMS IN THE CART ARE NOT GUARANTEED UNTIL THE CHECKOUT IS COMPLETE. THIS IS HOW SHOPIFY FUNCTIONS. WE STILL HAVE A 2 KNIFE MAXIMUM PER PERSON. ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE ARE LISTED UNDER THE "IN STOCK" COLLECTION LIST FOR EASIER ACCESS. EBAY FLIPPERS & RESELLERS ARE NOT WELCOME. We are working on outstanding orders, and have halted taking any new ones right now. We are focused on getting all outstanding orders complete before taking new orders. All outstanding orders "not paid" can be paid for now. We are working on orders as they are paid right now because we are ahead of schedule. Continued thanks and blessings for those supporting and praying for us through my cancer journey.

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